

Apollo Asset Management Company is an asset management firm focused exclusively on meeting the needs of institutional investors like pension schemes, corporates and SACCOs, and retail investors and their families across the wealth spectrum. We are a 100% owned subsidiary of Apollo Investments Limited, one of Kenya’s leading Insurance and Property Management companies.

Global Expertise Locally

We offer a wide range of investment solutions whether fixed-income, property and money market investments. We are also adept at Wealth Management solutions for individuals from financial planning to transition issues.

Fixed Income

Armed with the best investment ideas, AAMC seeks to capitalize on the best investment opportunities, long-dated and short-term across the fixed income spectrum.

Multi-asset strategies and solutions

Asset allocation, pension solutions and overlay strategies.

Liquidity Management

Short-term money market investments in a variety of structures and terms.

Investment Approach and Style

At Apollo Asset Management, our investment philosophy is hinged on a flexible investment strategy, allowing portfolio managers to seek the most attractive total return opportunities based on changing market conditions. We approach this investment strategy with three objectives:

  1. Identify Changing Market Conditions.
    ->Intelligence backed by Research.
  2. Adjust asset allocations to seek maximum risk-adjusted returns based on changing market conditions.
    ->Proactive approach.
  3. Within each asset class, select the most attractive securities based on fundamentals and valuations.
    ->Focus on returns/yield.


Apollo Balanced Fund

This is a short to a medium-term investment product that aims to give a reasonable rate of interest while preserving capital and offering liquidity...

Apollo Money Market Fund

This is short to a medium-term investment product that aims to give a reasonable rate of interest while preserving capital and offering liquidity...

Key Distinctions and Benefits of Apollo Asset Management Company

Wealth of Experience
  • Access to expert Portfolio Managers
  • Access to superior returns through our understanding of local markets, which translates into a portfolio of our best ideas.
Team Approach to Portfolio Management
  • Confidence in the Sustainability and Integrity of the Investment Process
  • Customized Investment Management
  • Investment Decisions with clear accountability
Disciplined Processes
  • Investment returns that are explainable, definable and seek to be repeated
  • Adherence to well-defined processes
  • Quality controls and transparency
Risk Management
  • Portfolios that support the risk-return trade-off that clients’ seek, and an understanding of what drives returns over time
  • Transparent processes supported by Technology
  • Risk analysis embedded throughout
Efficiency and Timeliness
  • Using our INNOVA Investment Management Solution, we provide timely, efficient and accurate services whether trading, reporting or performance measurement.
Performance Reporting and Meetings
  • Quarterly meetings to explain investment performance and economic highlights
  • Monthly Valuation Reports
  • Obtain Personalized Investment Advice

Apollo Unit Trust Fund Disclaimer: Click here

Apollo Unit Trust - Information Memorandum: Click here

Apollo Unit Trust Addendum: Click here

Apollo Unit Trust Scheme Annual General Meeting Minutes: Click here

Notice of Apollo Unit Trust Scheme Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form: Click here