

Welcome to Apollo Investments Limited (AIL). The flagship company, APA Insurance, was formed after the merger of the general insurance businesses of Apollo Insurance Company and Pan Africa Insurance. With a combined experience of over 100 years.

Daniel Ndonye
Chairman, Apollo Investments Ltd

Daniel Ndonye brings to the Board vast experience. He is an alumnus of the Alliance...

Ashok Shah
Group CEO

Ashok Shah is the current Group CEO of Apollo Investments Limited...

Risper Ohaga
Risper Ohaga

Risper Ohaga is the Group Chief Finance Officer of EABL, a subsidiary of ...

Pratul Shah
Company Secretary

Pratul Shah is a Chartered Certified Accountant and a Certified Public...

S M Shah

Mr Shashi M Shah was marketing insurance long before the ...

PJ Shah

PJ Shah is a director of Apollo Investments, having sat on the board...

Piyush Shah

Piyush Shah is a Chartered Accountant with a background in IT...

Jeremy Rowse
Chairman, APA Life

Jeremy Rowse spent most of his career at African Life, his final five years ...